Babajin Room
4 Year Old Kindergarten
4 Year Old Kindergarten Teacher
Monday - Friday during school terms
Bachelor Of Early Childhood
Curriculum Design Officer
I have been the 4 Year Old Kinder teacher at CPELC for 12 years. I hold a Bachelor of Early Childhood Studies and Diploma of Children Services. I have worked in the early childhood sector for 25 years in various roles and am always continuously updating my knowledge and skills through Professional Development Seminars. My aim is to establish the foundations for each child's positive lifelong learning by nurturing children's holistic development whilst being a positive advocate for their rights; watching the children learn and develop in their own unique way, whilst also having fun!
Room Educator
Tues - Fri
Diploma Educator has been at CPELC for 7 years and is a passionate educator who can educate children from all ages.
Tue - Thurs
ISS educator studying Cert 111 in early childhood. Monday in the woolert room and Friday in between the woolert and babajin room.
Our Program